Pascal Sébah’s Ottoman “Circassian” Photographs
Pascal Sébah (1823-1886) was a leading photographer in Constantinople in the 1870s and 1880s. He was born in Constantinople to a Syrian Catholic father and an Armenian mother. In 1857 he opened his...
View ArticleCircassian Marriage Under the Blades of Swords: Running the Gauntlet of Shame
By Nawrez Nathem QardenIn Circassian customs and traditions, those who marry by passing through a gauntlet of warriors brandishing the blades of their swords above their heads have committed...
View ArticleCircassian Female Slavery
Amjad M. JaimoukhaCircassian female slavery can be traced back to at least the time of Saphira, the fair Circassian slave in Solomon’s court. Since then countless women were sold into slavery—a trade...
View ArticleRacist Russian Parody on the Circassians of Adigea
[Beware: Entry contains highly offensive material]Here is a spoof of the “Adigea” [«Адыгея»] article on Wikipedia [Адыгея], published anonymously on the website...
View Article(Mystery) Photograph of the Leadership of the the North Caucasian Mountain...
Despite being widely used in literature on the North Caucasian Mountain Republic, there is precious little (definite) information on the photograph under consideration, beyond the fact that the person...
View ArticleThe Circassians in Jordan
Amjad M. Jaimoukha, [“The Circassians in Jordan (A Brief Introduction)”, in “Silver Lining” {A Serial Guide to the Circassians and Their Culture}, Volume 1, Number 1, 1998. Edited: 18 September 2014]1....
View ArticleThe Threefolding Movement Addresses the Circassian Issue: Complete Cultural...
[Travis Henry, "Solving Burning Conflicts through the Separation of Culture and State", 2014. (]The...
View ArticleAncient (Western) Circassian measures of length derived from the human body
By Aslhan Tew [Тэу Аслъан], archæologist, researcher at the State Museum of the Republic of AdigeaThe Circassians, like other nations, used a plethora of measures for length and distance measurement...
View Article"Circassian Soul": Young Circassian woman, Aida Sein (Сен Аидэ), comprehends...
[]«НАНЭ И ПСЭ, ДАДЭ И БЗЭ»[Нало Заур]Сэ си нанэр папэ янэщ, И псэр адыгэпсэщ.Сэ си дадэр папэ ядэщ, И бзэр адыгэбзэщ.Адыгэпсэ – нанэ и псэ, Сыту упсэ дахэ!...
View ArticleCircassian Silver Shoes
Mediæval Circassian silver shoes found in a Kabardian kurgan (burial mound) in the town of Psigansu (Псыгуэнсу; Псыгансу; previously Zhanx'wet-heble, Zhankhot Village) in Kabarda, dated to the XIV-XVI...
View Article1836: A momentous year in Circassian history, when Circassia was declared...
The Circassians declared independence in 1836 (encouraged by the Circassophile Scotsman David Urquhart) and a national flag (green background, twelve gold stars, three crossed golden arrows, designed...
View Article“The Day of the Circassians” and the Ancient “Ghwbzhedex” Festival
Prepared, edited, and translated by Amjad M. Jaimoukha“The Day of the Circassians” is essentially a revival of the national agrarian festival “Ghwbzhedex”. The first day after the autumn harvest was...
View ArticleThe oldest gold necklace in Europe is kept in Adigea's museum
(One of) the oldest gold necklace(s) in Europe was found in Adigea in 1982. It was part of a hoard of very fine gold objects that belong to the Maikop Culture (thought to be an ancient civilization...
View ArticleVI International Festival of Circassian Culture, 1-6 October 2014
After a four-year hiatus, the International Festival of Circassian Culture is back today, and will run until 6 October. The Festival will feature cultural regions of the Russian Federation...
View ArticleTraditional Circassian Horse-branding Ceremony
Photographs by Vladimir Karinin document a (stylized) traditional Circassian horse-branding ceremony (дамыгъэ тедзэныгъэ; damighe teidzenighe) in the village of Schheliqwe (Щхьэлыкъуэ; aka Shalushka)...
View ArticleCircassian Cheese Festival
Dozens of master cheese-makers will take part in the Republican festival-competition “Circassian Cheese”, which will be held today [5 October 2014], in the Central Square of Maikop, Adigea, as the...
View ArticleEnglishman from 200 years ago informs us there were 48 Kabardian horse...
Amjad M. Jaimoukha“Noble Tscherkesseian”, colour lithograph drawn and etched by the English artist John Augustus Atkinson (1775-1831). Other titles: “A Noble Tscherkesse”. Published in 1804, as...
View Article"Sibir-’Waschh" in Shapsughia: The Circassian “Witch Mountain”
For the Circassians in the Kuban Region, Sibir-’Waschh [Сыбыр-Iуашъхь; Sibir Mound] was the most sacred tumulus, after Elbrus [Iуашъхьэмаф=Blessed Mound]. Also called “Sobay-’Waschh” [«Собай-Iуашъхь»],...
View Article’Ediyixw Tower in Cherkessia: Between Archæology and Mythology
Amjad M. JaimoukhaScratch any site in Circassia and you will discover a great archæological story. We set out to discover the connection between ’Ediyixw Tower in Circassia and the mythical Nart...
View ArticleJ. Guthrie Watson’s “Circassian” photographs from his “A Journey Across...
J. Guthrie Watson (c. 1850–1913)was an English traveller. A member of the Conservative Club in London, Watson appears to have been a former military officer and was, in his words, “well acquainted with...
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