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VI International Festival of Circassian Culture, 1-6 October 2014


After a four-year hiatus, the International Festival of Circassian Culture is back today, and will run until 6 October. The Festival will feature cultural regions of the Russian Federation (Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachai-Cherkessia, North Ossetia, Adigea, Abkhazia, and the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories), as well as representatives of the Circassian Diaspora living in Abkhazia, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Germany, Canada, еру USA, Sweden, and other countries. Both professional and amateur artists and cultural workers are accommodated in this pan-Circassian event.

The International Festival of Circassian Culture has been held in Maikop, the Capital of Adigea, since 2000, at intervals of two years. However, it was withheld in 2010 and 2012. In 2014, the Festival is being organised by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Adigea, the Adigean State Folk Song Ensemble "Yislhamiy", and the Centre of Folk Culture of the Republic of Adigea, with financial support from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, in the framework of the Federal Target Programme "Culture of Russia".The Grand Opening of the Festival is scheduled for October 2nd.

Featured Artists and Troupes

Featured artists and folkloric troupes include the State Academic Ensemble of Folk Dance of Adigea "Nalmes", the Adigean State Folk Song Ensemble "Yislhamiy", the Kabardinka Academic Dance Ensemble (Kabardino-Balkaria), the famous baritone Zawir Tut, and singer from the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic Astemir Apanas. Exhibitions of works by fashion designers Yuri M. Stash (from Adigea), Madina Saralhp (from Kabardino-Balkaria), Zarema Nexwsch (from the Karachai-Cherkess Republic), and others, will be held on 1 October at the North Caucasus Branch of the State Museum of Oriental Art in Maikop.  Films by Circassian producers will be screened, including “Twilight of Hope" («ГУГЪЭМ И МЭЗЭХ»(1993; Ruslan Hachemiz and Kassay Hochegogu; http://circasvoices.blogspot.com/2013/09/twilight-of-hope-first-circassian-film.html[will be shown on 4 October at 13:00, Entertainment Centre "Joy Land", Maikop], Askerbiy Negheplh’s “Circassia. The Diaspora” (2011) [will be shown on 3 October at 17:00, Entertainment Centre "Joy Land", Maikop],  Amina Zhaman's "Right to Love" (2012) [will be shown on 2 October at 18:00, Entertainment Centre "Joy Land", Maikop], and Mohy Quandour's "Cherkess" (2009) [will be shown on 1 October at 18:00, Entertainment Centre "Joy Land", Maikop]. 

Exhibition of works by famous painters and artists of the Republic of Adigea (Abdullah Birsir, Aslhan Kwane, Felix Petuvash, Nurbiy Lovpache, Qat Teuchezh, Ramazan X’wazch, Sulht’an Wimar) will be held at the North Caucasus Branch of the State Museum of Oriental Art in Maikop.


This year competitions will be held in three categories: “Circassian Vocal Art”, “Circassian Choreographic Art”, and “Circassian Folk Music Instrumental Art”. Professional and amateur musical, choreographic, and cultural troupes and individual artists from the Circassian republics and the Diaspora will be taking part in the cultural extravaganza.

Participants in the “Circassian Vocal Art” category:
  1. Vocal Group of the Folk Song and Dance Ensemble "Caucasus" (Bakhsan District, Kabardino-Balkaria).
  2. Folk Ensemble "Cherkessia" (Director: Lidia Tamaz; Hebez District, Karachai-Cherkessia).
  3. Folk Vocal Ensemble "Wered" (Director: Fatima R. Gonezhuk).
  4. Folkloric Ensemble “Lashin” (Director: Fatimat I. Zchane).
  5. Vocal-Ethnographic Ensemble “Ashemez” (Director: Asiyet Q. Baste).
  6. Folkloric Ensemble “Nartschaw” (Director: Nadezhda Sh. Beresto).
  7. Folkloric Ensemble of Authentic Circassian Songs and Instrumental Music “Zchiw” (Director: Zamudin Ghwch’e).
  8. Fayna A. Beslaney (Director: Arsen N. Zhile; Bakhsan District, Kabardino-Balkaria).
  9. Moss M. Khazeshuk.
  10.  Adam Sh. Achmiz and Azeeda M. Misch.
  11.  Maya M. Hesch’ets’ikw and Adam A. Qarden.
  12.  Janette R. Alheskir.
  13.  Qaplhen K. Qaleschawe.
  14.  Èrkan Tsey (Mefehabl Village, Adigea).

Participants in the “Circassian Choreographic Art” category:
  1. Caucasian Dance Ensemble "Sindika" (Director: Victoria Yedij).
  2. Circassian Dance Ensemble "Nart" (Director: Rustam Y. X’uakwe).
  3. Dance Troupe "Circassians" (Director: Azamat I. Kemryug).
  4. The National Ensemble of the Black Sea Shapsugh Circassians "Shapsughia" (Director: Ruslan Xeyshxwe; Lazarev, Shapsughia).
  5. Choreographic Ensemble "Besleney" (Director: Susanna H. Bragun).
  6. Circassian Dance Ensemble "Highlanders" (Director: Yanal Hetx; Amman, Jordan).
  7. Amina A. Biyts’u and Alim S. Ch’isch (Director: Sayhat Sh. Qwnash; Bakhsan District, Kabardino-Balkaria).

Participants in the “Circassian Folk Music Instrumental Art” category:
  1. Folk Instruments Ensemble (Director: Ruslan A. Barcho).
  2. Folk Instruments Ensemble "Jeniqwe Masch’w" (Director: Kazbek R. Nagarok).
  3. Folk Ensemble of Circassian Instruments "Wij" (Director:  Inver A. Kalakutok).
  4. The Orchestra of Folk Instruments "Redada" (Director: Ali P. Juma, Hebez District, Karachai-Cherkessia).
  5. Abchar M. Hemdex’w.
  6. Instrumental Trio: Khalid Gvashev (accordion), Asker Teshev (px’ets’ich/clappers player), Vartan Manoucharyan (px’ets’ich/clappers player) (Lazarev District of Sochi, Krasnodar Krai).
  7. Folk Ensemble of Circassian Musical Instruments “Meqam” (Director: Muhamet Sh. Tabukh).
  8. Sayhat Sh. Qwnash (accordion) (Bakhsan District, Kabardino-Balkaria).
  9. Qaplhen K. Qaleschawe (accordion).

Programme of Festival: 

1 October 

12.00-16.00 Arrival and registration of the participants in the Festival at the “Adigea-Tourist” Hotel in Maikop. 

15.00-21.00 Art exhibitions at the State Philharmonia of Adigea, Maikop. 

16.00-17.30 Reception of the participants in the Festival in accordance with the Circassian traditions of hospitality. Visit of the museum expositions and exhibitions of fine art. 

Meeting with the veteran artist and fashion designer Yuri M. Stash, Honoured Worker of Culture of Adigea, and other art masters (North Caucasus Branch of the State Museum of Oriental Art). 

16.00-19.00 Meeting with the leading actors of the National Theatre of Adigea (in the name of I. Tsey [Цэй Ибрахьим]). Screening of artistic and scientific-popular films on Circassian culture (Leisure Centre “Joy Land”). 

17.30-19.00 Press conference. Meeting of the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Adigea and the members of the Festival Organizing Committee with the Festival participants and the media (North Caucasus Branch of the State Museum of Oriental Art). 

20.00-22.00 Concert of professional and amateur folk art troupes and individual artists (State Philharmonia of Adigea).

2 October 

9.30-20.00 Exhibition of fine arts, and arts and crafts of artists and craftsmen (State Philharmonia of Adigea). 

9.00-10.00 Opening Ceremony rehearsal (State Philharmonic Orchestra of Adigea). 

10.00-10.15 Opening Ceremony (State Philharmonia of Adigea). 

10.30-20.00 Competition programme of the participants of the Festival: 

• Performers of Circassian folk songs; 
• Performers of Circassian folk dance; 
• Performers of Circassian folk musical instruments. 

12.00-13.00 Meeting of the heads of delegations with the President of the Republic of Adigea A. K. Thakushina [ТхьакIущынэ Аслъан] (Presidential Hall). 

16.00-19.00 Meeting with the leading actors of the National Theatre of Adigea (in the name of I. Tsey). Screening of artistic and scientific-popular films on Circassian culture (Leisure Centre “Joy Land”). 

20.00-22.00 Meeting at the "Hach’esh" [“Guest-House”] – "Traditional Circassian Folk Culture" (master-classes at the State Philharmia of Adigea).

3 October 

9.00-12.00 Scientific-Practical Conference (Scientific Library of the Adigean State University). 

11.00-15.00 Exhibition of fine arts, and arts and crafts of artists and craftsmen (State Philharmonia of Adigea). 

9.00-12.00 Rehearsal of the Closing Ceremony and the Gala Concert of the Festival (Concert Hall "Nalmes"). 

12.00-14.00 Ceremonial meeting on the occasion of the “Day of Education of the Republic of Adigea”. Festive concert of the masters of art of the Republic of Adigea and the participants in the International Festival of Circassian Culture (State Philharmonia of Adigea). 

15.00-16.30 Visit of the participants of the Festival to the municipal towns and regions of the Republic of Adigea. 

16.00-19.00 Meeting with the leading actors of the National Theatre of Adigea (in the name of I. Tsey). Screening of artistic and scientific-popular films on Circassian culture (Leisure Centre “Joy Land”). 

16.30-19.30 Meeting with the residents of the municipal towns and regions of Adigea. Joint concerts in these areas. 

4 October 

8.00-13.00 Departure to the mountains. Excursion to the waterfalls of Rufabgo and Khadzhokh Gorge. 
Concert and meeting of the participants in the Festival with tourists. 

15.00-16.00 Preparation for the Festival Parade. 

15.00-20.00 Exhibition of fine arts, and arts and crafts of artists and craftsmen (State Philharmonia of Adigea). 

16.00-16.30 Parades of Festival participants in traditional costumes from the Gorky City Park of Culture and Recreation to the State Philharmonia of Adigea. 

16.00-19.00 Meeting with the leading actors of the National Theatre of Adigea (in the name of I. Tsey). Screening of artistic and scientific-popular films on Circassian culture (Leisure Centre “Joy Land”). 

16.30-17.30 Preparation for the Gala Concert (State Philharmonia of Adigea). 

17.30-18.30 Awarding Ceremony. Festival Closing Ceremony (State Philharmonia of Adigea). 

18.30-20.30 Gala Concert (State Philharmonia of Adigea). 

20.30 - 23.00 "Adige Jegu" [«Адыгэ джэгу»; "Circassian Dance Party"] (followed by the selection of the most beautiful women) (at the area in front of the National Museum of the Republic of Adigea). 

23.00 Fireworks. 

5 October 

9.00-22.00 Participation in the festivities to mark the Day of the Republic of Adigea (Lenin Square). 

13.00-16.00 Exhibition of fine arts, and arts and crafts of artists and craftsmen (State Philharmonia of Adigea). 

14.00-16.00 Press conference on the results of the Festival (State Philharmonia of Adigea). 

6 October 

11.00 Departure of the participants in the Festival.

Адыгэ культурэм и яхэнэрэ Дунэе Фестивалым иIофтхьэбзэ шъхьаIэхэр:

Чъэпыогъум и 1-м

Сыхь. 12-м–16-м Фестивалым хэлэжьэщтхэр къызэIукIэщтых. Ахэм адыгэ хабзэм тетэу апэгъокIыщтых. 

Сыхь. 16-м–19-м Фестивалым хэлажьэхэрэр зэлъашIэрэ адыгэ актерхэм аIукIэщтых. Ащ ыуж адыгэ культурэм фэгъэхьыгъэ кинофильмэ зэфэшъхьафхэр къафагъэлъэгъощт.

Сыхь. 17-рэ такъикъ 30-м–19-м Пресс-конференцие зэхащэщт. Адыгэ Республикэм культурэмкIэ и Министрэрэ зэхэщэкIо купым хэтхэмрэ фестивалым къекIолIэгъэ купхэм япащэхэм, къэбарлъыгъэIэс къулыкъухэм ялIыкIохэм аIукIэщтых. 

Чъэпыогъум и 2-м

Сыхь. 9-рэ такъикъ 30-м–20-м СурэтышIэхэм яIофшIагъэхэмрэ IэпэIасэхэм яIэшIагъэхэмрэ якъэгъэлъэгъон.

Сыхь. 10-м–20-м Фестивалыр къызэIуахыщт, хэлажьэхэрэр зэнэкъокъущтых.

Сыхь 12-м–13.00 Фестивалым хэлажьэхэрэм япащэхэр Адыгэ Республикэм и ЛIышъхьэу ТхьакIущынэ Аслъан зэIукIэгъу дыряIэщт.

Чъэпыогъум и 3-м

Сыхь 9-м–12-м Научно-практическэ конференцие зэхащэщт.

Сыхь. 12-м–14-м Адыгэ Республикэм и Мафэ фэгъэхьыгъэ мэфэкI зэIукIэ щыIэщт. Адыгэ Республикэм щызэлъашIэрэ орэдыIохэр, къэшъуакIохэр, орэдыIо ыкIи къэшъокIо купхэр, адыгэ культурэм и яхэнэрэ Дунэе фестиваль къекIолIагъэхэр зыхэлэжьэщт мэфэкI концерт къатыщт.

Сыхь.15-м–19-рэ такъикъ 30-м Фестивалым хэлажьэхэрэр Адыгэ Республикэм икъалэхэмрэ ирайонхэмрэ ащыIэщтых.

Сыхь. 16-м–19-м Фестивалым хэлажьэхэрэр зэлъашIэрэ адыгэ актерхэм аIукIэщтых. Адыгэ культурэм фэгъэхьыгъэ кинофильмэ зэфэшъхьафхэр къафагъэлъэгъощт.

Чъэпыогъум и 4-м

Сыхь.8-м–13-м Фестивалым хэлажьэхэрэр къушъхьэм кIощтых. Псыхъоу «Сырыф» (Рыфабгъо) ипсыкъефэххэмрэ Хьаджыкъо итIокIэ зэжъухэмрэ зэрагъэлъэгъущт.

Сыхь. 16-м–16-рэ такъикъ 30-м Фестивалым хэлажьэхэрэм адыгэ лъэпкъ шъуашэхэр ащыгъхэу къэлэ паркым щегъэжьагъэу Адыгэ Республикэм и Къэралыгъо филармоние нэс кIощтых.

Сыхь. 17-рэ такъикъ 30-м–18-рэ такъикъ 30-м Фестивалым ипрограммэ къыдыхэлъытэгъэ зэнэкъокъум текIоныгъэ къыщыдэзыхыгъэхэр агъэшIощтых. Фестивалыр зэфашIыжьыщт.

Сыхь.18-рэ такъикъ 30-м–20-рэ такъикъ 30-м Фестивалым хэлэжьагъэхэм Гала – концерт къатыщт.

Сыхь. 20-рэ такъикъ 30-м–23-м Адыгэ джэгу зэхащэщт. Ащ пшъэшъэ дахэр къыщыхахыщт.

Чъэпыогъум и 5-м

Сыхь. 9-м–22-м Адыгэ Республикэм и Мафэ фэгъэхьыгъэ мэфэкIым фестивалым къекIолIагъэхэр хэлэжьэщтых. 

Сыхь. 14-м–16-м Пресс-конференцие зэхащэщт. Фестивалым икIэуххэр зэфахьысыжьыщтых. 

Чъэпыогъум и 6-м

Сыхь. 11-м Фестивалым хэлэжьагъэхэр ягъогу техьажьыщтых.

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