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"Circassian Soul": Young Circassian woman, Aida Sein (Сен Аидэ), comprehends the Circassian ethos in a short poem and a prayer!




[Нало Заур]

Сэ си нанэр папэ янэщ, 
И псэр адыгэпсэщ.
Сэ си дадэр папэ ядэщ, 
И бзэр адыгэбзэщ.

Адыгэпсэ – нанэ и псэ, 
Сыту упсэ дахэ! 
Адыгэбзэ – дадэ и бзэ, 
Сыту убзэ дахэ!

ФщIэрэ фэ а бзэм и лIыгъэр?
Ар йопсалъэ дыгъэм.
Сыту фIыщэт уэ ди дыгъэр 

"Grandma's Soul, Grandpa's Tongue"

[Children's poem by Zawir Nalo]

My grandma, my papa's mom,
Her soul is Circassian in full.
My grandpa, my dad's pop,
His Circassian is so wonderful.

Circassian spirit – granny's soul,
Oh, how resplendent!
Circassian – grandpa's tongue,
Is so opulent!

Do you realize how mighty Circassian is?
It is the language of the Sun.
How magnificent, our Sun,
That you are Circassian! 

Prayer addressed to Theshxwe, the Circassian Supreme God:

Уа, дэ ди Тхьэу, 
Ди хэку жылэжьхэр – 
Уардэ унэжьу, 
Ди уафэр къащхъуэу, 
Ди щIылъэр щхъуантIэу, 
Ди щIалэхэр 
Уэрэд жызыIэр
Ди хъыджэбзу,
Нэхъыжь диIэм пщIэ хуэтщIу,
УнапIэ махуэрэ
Хэкужь махуэрэ
Тхьэм дищI!

We beseech Thee, Our Lord, 
“Theshxwe”, the Supreme One, 
Will the hamlets of this blessed land –
To be mighty households!
(Grant us) blue Heavens,
And green Earth!
Ensoul our young men
With iron spirits,
And will it for our maidens
To chant the songs of yore eternally!
May we forever honour our elders!
May God bless us 
With auspicious abodes,
And a prosperous Homeland!

Translated by staff of Centre for Circassian Studies 

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